Sunday, March 21, 2010

Couch to 5K

So today I started the couch to 5K program.  It's a 9 week program to get us couch potatoes up and and healthy.  I don't think I consider myself a couch potato as much as a craft potato.  I really just don't move much when I'm crafting: just from the computer to the Cricut to the Zutter back to the computer:-)  Anywho, the goal is to be able to run a 5K at the end of 9 weeks in under 30 minutes.  It sound like a lot to us non athletic people, but when I was in the Army at my max I was running a 6 minute mile and running 4 miles a couple times a week.  Then I had a baby, and some health issues, and got out of the Army after my deployment, and got lazy.  I know I can get back there, but man tonight was hard.  You start by walking 5 minutes, then you run for 60 second and walk for 90 seconds and continue this for 20 minutes.  It took me the entire 30 minutes to do 2 miles.  I took my dog Jessie with me because I decided she needed to quit being a couch potato too.  After mile one she was wondering why we weren't heading back to the house.  At mile 1.5 I was dragging her with me.  Yep, she's as out of shape as me.  Now I feel like a bad dog owner too.  Well, this is a three times a week workout, so I'll be back at it on Tuesday night, weather permitting.  Wish me luck!


  1. I really wish you luck!!! I'm glad you have it in you -- I don't! LOL!

    Proud of you too! Poor Jessie, such abuse! LOL!

    I think I'll just continue to be a "craft potato" for a while.

  2. Oh Good Luck. I just started getting back into shape too. You will be suprise how fast it comes back to you though.

  3. Thanks for the encouragement, Ladies. I'm up to the 3rd workout. I feel pretty good!
